Saint Mihiel American Cemetery

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Saint Mihiel American Cemetery

La description

St. Mihiel American Cemetery | American Battle Monuments Commission

The World War I St. Mihiel American Cemetery and Memorial in France, 40.5 acres in extent, contains the graves of 4,153 of our military dead. The majority of these died in the offensive that resulted in the reduction of the St. Mihiel salient that threatened Paris. The burial area is divided by Linden alignment trees and paths into four equal plots. At the center is a large sundial surmounted by an American eagle. To the west is a statue of a World War I soldier and at the eastern end is a semi-circular overlook dominated by a sculpture representing a victory vase.


Le Cimetière Américain, 54470 Thiaucourt-Regniéville



Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant


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